昨晚的Make it Happen,講述一個來自鄉村的小女孩,從小就夢想到芝加哥音樂舞蹈學校就讀,故她不斷努力,期間當然遇到了很多困難,除了家庭,其他的競爭者,當然還有自己,對自己的跳舞不夠認同,對跳舞所散發出的魅力不夠篤定,對跳舞所能帶給觀眾的想像不夠多,但這種種困難,都因為他的堅持和努力,最後都迎刃而解,也在最後一次的甄選會當中,表演了一場Just Dance,一場生來就是為跳舞的演出,最後也順利拿到入學許可,也贏得家人的支持。
我雖然沒有Lady Gaga的主題歌曲作背景,至少我可以盜用Nike廣告的口號來激勵自己:Just do it.是吧?!
Make it happen, becasue there is nothing impossible!
foto is from yahoo fotos.
lately i hv been thinking a lot abt nike's slogan - just do it. what a conincidence! haha.
Hi Max
to Jason, right, i thought you have done so much you want to do. next time i wont be surprised if you work for Mcdonald's.
To summer, yes i did get your mail and reply to you already.
hv many thoughts. cafe is one. lately hv been thinking of working in a poor nation in africa. plenty of my kind of job out there but the application is tedious. still thinking long and hard abt it. it's human nature, comfort often takes priority. when will b ur next trip to bkk?
working in africa, wow, sounds a crazy idea but full of excitement.
maybe next time, we can meet up in africa. what a cool!
going to bkk? maybe in may or august. cant wait to go out of taiwan.
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